
The Reunion

Dear Florida High Old-Timers:

This morning there is a promise of shorter, cooler days and repeated circles with variations to be absorbed in the whole of future Septembers.

Looking back in time I see the only girl in the FHS 1952 class of six. There is no escaping high school juvenile categories. She was not popular even though she did enjoy a fair amount of recognition.

In the school library is a copy of the school's first yearbook that was "spot on" with social conformity. The school newspaper mimeograph waxed paper stencils are probably still wrapped around the drum and the oil-based ink can't possibly be dry yet. She was Editor-In-Chief of both.

For one short year she was once in a lifetime head cheerleader and the only one cautioned by the sponsor to "Lose the hip wiggle." Her heart pounded so hard she could hardly say hello to the basketball players and the only football team within a 500-mile radius was in a Gainesville swamp.

The class of 1958 included her younger brother who later rode his own FHS "Gator Greene" wave. Like his predecessors who seem in retrospect to have been precociously representative of their times, Broward simply responded to the musical facts of his upbringing on the basketball court. He and Bob Dylan still ride that wave covering three states on a good weekend.

I know I would cry tears of recognition while spending time with my classmates. I have not seen three since graduation and have crossed paths with the other two on rare occasions. Sadly, over time I have lost the connection to my high school years and my roots suffer from dry rot.

Now in the active sunset of my life I read a lot, write a little, travel some, consult occasionally and cook for my husband when I cannot avoid it. I weave imaginary characters for my grandchildren and on occasion for publication. Content in the knowledge that I am exactly where I was meant to be I shall forever be that 16 year-old girl.

I understand your "Florida High Old Timers" definition and applaud your creative efforts to reunite 1952 thru 1960 graduating classes as well as those who did not graduate. However, I must decline your kind invitation on the grounds that, well, on the grounds that.....oh heck, I forget.

I trust you understand my unique position as the 800 pound tattooed gorilla in a room full of post 1952 graduates and former FHS students.

Best wishes for a successful event.

Florida High Old-Timers Person

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