
Big Hair of the 60's - A True Story

Mind you my husband is a genuine Florida Panhandle cracker born and raised in a western hammock at the head of Mule Creek named Booger Bay. What saved him from a lifetime at the wrong end of a mule was flaming red hair, piercing brown eyes, a magnetic personality and three half-crazy sisters whose sole aim in life was to torment him.
Trusting no one and allied only with himself he steadily climbed his career ladder. Newly promoted to an executive position he was the lone volunteer from his company participating in a popular "Dale Carnegie" course. Other companies in the area were well represented mostly by females. His logic was he'd climb past this rung on the corporate ladder with ease.

The seminar, which he compared to digging fish bait, dragged on in a bog day after day and night after night. At the end of the week each student made a ten-minute presentation on exchanging ideas and effective ways to cope with problems. My husband made no special preparations for his ten minutes of fame saying he'd just be "happy when the damm thing is over".

The week following the seminar he strutted around with a satisfied look on his face and I assumed it was mostly because the intrusion in his workday had been put to bed. I was wrong.

The grapevine was in high gear and his presentation was the topic of water cooler discussions and the morning coffee tables at Luten's restaurant. I learned he painstakingly and in great detail demonstrated with the able assistance of a female classmate how his wife used a comb, brush and hairspray to achieve her magnificent, foot-high hairdo.

I was told he said sleep was out of the question after she spent half a day in the beauty shop having her hair frosted, shampooed, reverse frosted, shampooed and held in place with gigantic curlers as she sat under a dryer eating lunch. The brushing, combing, teasing, hairspray and invisible hairpin anchors were the coup de gras.

Today he denies everything.

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